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Nghỉ đêm thành công ... KHÔNG!

Hôm nay chúng ta sẽ nói về việc có những mục tiêu lớn ... nhưng mục tiêu thực tế. SFI có tiềm năng to lớn cho những người sẽ áp dụng chính mình, nhưng nó sẽ không Thành côngxảy ra qua đêm hoặc không có việc làm. Như cũ nói đi, nơi duy nhất mà thành công đến trước khi làm việc trong từ điển. "

Chúng ta thường nghe từ các chi nhánh hỏi tại sao họ không nhìn thấy một kiểm tra hoa hồng lớn. Nhưng lần nhiều hơn không, người yêu cầu đã thậm chí không được một liên kết cho hơn một vài tuần và chỉ thực sự bắt đầu để hiểu làm thế nào các công trình SFI toàn bộ hệ thống. Và thẳng thắn, thậm chí nếu con số này là sáu tháng, nó vẫn còn quá sớm để mong đợi một dòng thu nhập đáng kể cho phát triển.

We always say that if you’re not willing to give a business at least a year, don’t even bother getting involved. You must understand: It takes time to get to know all the nuances of a business. It takes time to get to know the products. It takes time to develop a game plan. It takes time to figure out what marketing activities will work best for you.

The fact is, anything worthwhile takes sustained effort. If that were not true, we'd all be the perfect weight, we'd all have perfect relationships, etc. It's the same thing with your own business. If you're thinking money's going to start pouring into your lap next month, you’ve set yourself up for failure.

But let’s look at some real examples and see if we can put some perspective on this. Let's start with SFI's own president and founder, Gery Carson. Gery explains:

Gery Carson"My success as a entrepreneur and business leader is widely known today. Yet what most people don’t know is that I LOST money my first two years. I only broke even in my third year. And it was only when I got to my fourth year did I finally start seeing profits. Oh, how I wish someone had invented an SFI for me back in the mid-80's when I was starting out! ; - )

So was all that effort worth it? ABSOLUTELY! Because I persisted, today I live a dream life, I have my dream home, drive my dream car, and I get to lead one of the most exciting Internet companies in the world. Yes, because I stuck with it, I am today truly blessed beyond my wildest dreams."

But let’s go farther. Let’s look at some of the actual home business superstars we've interviewed and featured on our Website in the past:

Note that amounts listed reflect declared earnings at the time their interview was published.

ROBERT BLACKMAN now earns as much as $85,000 per month. Yet it took Robert two years to see his first four-figure check ($1,000 or more), and it took him five years to see his first five-figure check ($10,000 or more).

CHARLES LESLIE’s monthly income exceeds $12,000 a month. It took Charles five months to see his first $1,000 check, and three and a half years to see his first $10,000 check.

TRACY DIETERICH earns $36,000+ monthly. But it took six months to hit that first $1,000, and a year to get to $10,000.

DALE CALVERT makes so much more than $100,000 a year that he won’t even divulge the amount. Yet Dale worked four months before seeing that first four-figure commission check...and two full years before hitting five figures.

DR. JOE RUBINO now cruises at over $62,000 each month. But that first $1,000 check took two months, the first $10,000 check, one year.

ROBERT BUTWIN drops $80,000 or more into his bank account each month. But would you believe that first $1,000 check took two years to reach, and a full FIVE years for Robert to reach the first $10,000 check? It’s true!

DAVID A. NELSON clears $40,000 in a month. But reaching that first $1,000 check took 18 months. Reaching the five-figure check took two years.

TONY KENT has exceeded $90,000 in monthly earnings. But exceeding $1,000 took Tony one year...and a year and a half to exceed $10,000.

In other words, even the most dynamic, highest-earning entrepreneurs took MONTHS to begin seeing an income of any real significance. And the real wealth, the $100,000+ income we all strive for, took an average of almost THREE YEARS to achieve!

Do you think ANY of these gentlemen don’t think the ends justified the means? Do you think for an instant that the months and years invested hasn’t been rewarded a thousand times over at least? You don't even have to think about it, do you?

Thành côngIf we told you that after two to three years of following our system, you could be making more in a month than you now make in a year, could you handle that? This is a genuine and realistic goal. But when you say you want to quit your job in six months and live off the income from your new business, well, that's just not realistic.

Not what you wanted to hear, right? But is what we're suggesting so tough to swallow? Of course not.

Can you think of any other endeavor where you could invest just five to 10 hours a week for a couple years and at the end of that time have that turned into a $3,000 to $10,000 residual monthly income stream? Money that keeps coming in month after month, year after year. Money that keeps coming in whether you work 10 hours a day or two. A commission check waiting for you in your mailbox when you return from yet another vacation. Money that when you’ve left this planet continues to provide for your spouse, children, or grandchildren.

Sounds extremely nice, doesn’t it? But again, these are likely not things you’re going to see in your first year. It's just not going to happen. Some of you—the go-getters—you WILL see it happen in your second year. For most of you, however, you need to be thinking two to five years. And you know what? When you get there, we guarantee you, you’ll say it was nothing!

Bạn có thể làm điều đó

BOTTOM LINE: Chúng ta gặt những gì chúng ta gieo, nhưng thu hoạch không bao giờ trong mùa giống như trồng Hôm nay bạn đang trồng ... và sẽ có ít nhất vài tháng tới. Thu hoạch của bạn sẽ đến trong thời gian. Được kéo dài. Hãy kiên nhẫn. Làm việc các trang web bằng cách sử dụng hệ thống SFI đã được chứng minh của chúng tôi. Hãy suy nghĩ lâu dài. Hãy hành động mỗi ngày, (không có vấn đề nhỏ như thế nào) để xây dựng doanh nghiệp của bạn. Và luôn luôn nhớ rằng, cách duy nhất thất bại là bỏ.

HÔM NAY Launchpad ™ QUIZ

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